Tuesday, February 9, 2010

New Smartphone Qisda QCM-330 by Taiwanese company

For the smartphone users, the Taiwanese company had crafted its new smartphone “Qisda QCM-330”. In connection of the features, this particular smartphone is featured with the so many features such as 4inch touch screen; resolution is about 1280 x 1024 pixels and ability to write Electronista.

The Qisda QCM -330 is one of the new phones that to be released on European mobile market for the coming month. For providing the better features the “Qisda QCM-330” is equipped with trehmegapikselnoy camera, a module Wi-Fi and an accelerometer.

Besides it, this particular cell phone supports better network through “high speed network HSPDA”. About its availability and price, yet complete detail is not available but soon on this month, this particular smartphone “Qisda QCM – 330” will be released.


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Gadgets are the most demandable for the users

Gadgets are the basis needs of this modern world. At present, the demands of gadgets are increasing per day. For offering the better features to the users, the gadgets of this modern world are being designed by equipping more features newly advanced features.
In store of the gadget shops, huge variety of gadgets are available at the most affordable prices and anyone according to his/her selection can pick up a best one.